Supporting the Palace Gate Centre

Running a large community centre within a historic and listed building presents quite a challenge and we always welcome support. We aim to make the Centre available to as many people as possible and provide an affordable, welcoming space. Our hope is that through the activities and services offered in the Palace Gate Centre, people in our local community will find a deeper wellbeing and peace.

How can you support us?

1. Support our User Groups and Activities

Tell other people about what is offered at the Palace Gate Centre. If you know someone who could benefit from one of the groups or activities that run here, please tell them about us. Supporting our groups and activities helps the Centre and its groups to be more sustainable.

2. Promote the Palace Gate Centre

Do you know a group or activity that is looking for a home? Are you looking for a venue for a meeting, conference or regular booking? Please consider booking space in the Palace Gate Centre. We aim to keep our rates affordable and offer useful, flexible meeting spaces. We have a range of rooms, wi-fi and are open 6 days a week. We would always be happy to show you around and help you consider whether the Centre might be the right venue for you.

3. Prayer

If you’re a praying person then please pray for the Centre and the groups and services that run here. Look at our webpage which lists our user groups and please pray that God would encourage them and enable them to be places where people find a greater peace. Pray with us that God would use what goes on in the Centre to bless lives and help build a better community.

You can find a prayer we have written for those who use the Palace Gate Centre by clicking here.

4. Give

The Palace Gate Centre is managed by South Street Baptist Church on a not-for-profit basis. Indeed, the church subsidises the costs of running the Centre so that we can keep our rates as affordable as possible. We aim to make it possible for many different community groups to use our spaces by keeping room rates as low as we can manage.

We strive to pay our staff a proper wage and also to maintain our historic building properly. We aim to resource the Centre as best we can, but this all takes money.

We will not rattle a tin under anyone’s nose, but if you would like to support us financially that would help us to continue to improve the Centre and keep our spaces affordable.

You can give to the Centre a one-off gift or give more regularly by visiting our CAF Donate page. Please click here.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can help people find a greater peace and hope in their lives.

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